Today I start on my quest to blog once again. Being this my third attempt. It is not for lack of desire, more of lack of direction. What makes this time different? This time it is purely for me. Focusing on my passion, writing. Promoting my blog, earning revenue, gaining followers or trying to put it into one category is no longer my ambition. Instead my goal is to move the ramblings, musings,that are conversing in my head onto this page. Thus making room for more random thoughts to enter.
After all, Being a mom of a teenage girl and a teenage boy, wife to my best friend of 20+ years, " sister" to many talented girlfriends, daughter to two aging parents, aunt to one long lost niece who has re-entered my life and has chosen to stay. Not to forget, one dog that we saved from going to the shelter. Who at this moment has decided not to leave my side if at all possible.
Add in my quest for meaningful employment, homeschooling my son, my various art and craft projects, all my many passions. While doing my best to budget and schedule it all in. With the attempt to stay some what sane amongst the chaos.
The above I believe, Could make for interesting topics and conversations. Without having to try so hard to be something/someone that I am not.
Thank you for jumping on the ride, Life's travels are always better shared with a friend.
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